Celia Viñas

Integration biogenealogy, Master in Family Constellations
Master in Clinical Psychosomatics and Humanities

I seek to spread, expand, and transmit, what I feel we are, beings permanently integrating our biology, our emotions and thoughts. Being our balance, our well-being, the coherence in that integration. And what happens when, by real, symbolic or imaginary behaviors, we move away from this balance? Disorder appears, discomfort. Biologically we are gregarious, living in community, belonging protects us, marks us in our most archaic identity.


Shows us how our Biology connects us through a symptom, a behavior, with what we do not see, that hurts us or that was not resolved, in order to heal it.

Genealogical Tree

Knowing our Genealogical Tree, it takes us to know where we come from, what we have in our interior that belongs to the memory of our Clan.

Family Constellations

The New Family Constellations submerge us in ordering that history, honoring it, giving it a place in our heart, in our new conscious family so that love flows and recovering our own freedom of decision in our acts.

What you deny submits to you.
What you accept, transforms you.
Carl Jung


Along the way, I came closer to different methodologies that provide me with the tools to address queries in a comprehensive manner. Feeling, flowing and accompanying each individual or group process as an organic and healing movement.


It shows us how our Biology connects us through a symptom, a behavior, with what we do not see, that hurts us or that was not resolved, in order to heal it.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming

There is a connection between neurological processes ("neuro"), language ("linguistic"), and behavior patterns learned through experience ("programming"), which we can transform through this methodology.

Family Constellations

They immerse us in ordering that history, honoring it, giving it a place in our heart, in our new conscious family so that love flows and recovering our own freedom of decision in our actions.

Clinical Psychosomatics and Humanist

It is a new way to learn the different causes of diseases, behavior disorders and general malaise, centered on the Conversion Process. This corresponds to the transformation of the psychic problem into symptoms, according to modalities, which progressively allows clinical research to reveal.


Through the consultations, I have developed workshops that are presented in different spaces at a national and internal level.


We perform exercises supporting each other but focusing on an inner, deep and loving look. 

Individual Consultations

To work personal conflicts, giving time and space to my inner being. Respecting my process, healing and honoring my life.


Communicate, link through the word. Resolving accompanied that has been hurting for so long.

Recommended readings

I share these books that helped me begin this journey within my family tree. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do and that, with your tools, you can explore new horizons of your personal history.
Ay, mis ancestros

Ay, mis ancestros

Anne Ancelin Schützenberger

Aenean consectetur ipsum ante, vel egestas enim tincidunt quis. Pellentesque vitae congue neque, vel mattis ante. In vitae tempus nunc.

Lealtades Invisibles

Lealtades Invisibles

Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy, Spark Geraldine

Aenean consectetur ipsum ante, vel egestas enim tincidunt quis. Pellentesque vitae congue neque, vel mattis ante. In vitae tempus nunc.

Encuentro con la sombra

Encuentro con la sombra

Edición a cargo de Connie Zweig y Jeremiah Abrams

C. G. Jung, J. Campbell, K. Wilber, M-L. von Franz, R. Bly, L. Dossey, M. S. Peck, R. May, J. Pierrakos, J. A. Sanford, S. Nichols, L. Greene, B. Hannah, J. Bradshaw y otros






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